Tag Archives: introduction

An Inaugural Post

6 Aug

Well then- a bit about myself, to begin with.

I’m a british student (though I also have an American citizenship on a technicality), and am currently at the ripe young age of 19, an awkward spot at which I have neither legitimacy in society nor the privilege of abdicating responsibility for my own wellbeing. I’m going through the motions at university, which is probably a topic best saved for its own post, as I’ve more than a few choice (used here in its traditional sense as a euphemism for bitter and unreasonable) words on the subject of education.

I chose to start a blog for a few reasons.

  1. I was unreasonably pleased with the wordplay for the title.
  2. Ranting into thin air is not as cathartic an experience as I had hoped.
  3. I enjoy writing, but can’t really see myself indulging the interest in a more professional capacity. A minor blog is about right.

I’m something of a perfectionist in terms of grammar and choice of words, so any like-minded readers should feel free to nitpick savagely. Fans of irony may appreciate the preposition left hanging out in the cold in the very first sentence.

As the blog’s title suggests, my aim here is to discuss current affairs from a position of perhaps less than total earnestness. I indulge in the standard range of nerdy hobbies, which may also creep in from time to time if I feel particularly fervent about a given issue. Naturally, all posts will be wildly opionated- a good shouting match is far healthier and more enjoyable than a round of mutual agreement, after all.

I’ll try and avoid any fallacious arguments unless used for “comic” effect.

I’ve no real aspirations here save for getting to stretch my typing fingers and maybe being read by a few people, so here’s to that, I suppose.